Friday, August 7, 2009

Mi free paper bun!

"Ha ha, yuh free paper bun!" Is what my mum has been saying to me today in her Jamaican slang. Translation = your holiday is over, you lazy bum!

Today, August 6, 2009, was a happy Independence Day for all Jamaicans, especially the working ones, we got a holiday to stay off work and celebrate, or in my case, sleep. I didn't do much of a celebration today but I was very much enjoying the festival songs on the radio, cultural things that were televised and of course my mum's cooking (a traditional dumpling, banana etc with ackee and salt fish, yummy).

I’ve been relatively productive these last two days. Yesterday and the day before were the usual hustling and bustling days at work for me. The great thing about that is the fact that I am becoming accustomed to my new (first) job. I've been employed for one week now. The job provides very little perks but a lot of experience (....quite a reasonable 3 week summer job, for someone with my qualifications working for the first time).
At first I use to stand around looking like a fish out of water, not knowing what to do, but now I understand the procedures and can do whatever I'm assigned just like the veterans who work there; but from time to time, new task are given to me that I eventually learn too.

Today I got up at almost 11 AM (my alarm was set for 9 AM)... on a typical work day my alarm is set for 6:50 AM but I get up at 7 hey! I ain't lazy, I'm just someone whose getting all the rest I can get over the holiday.
Tried to exercise today. It was a challenge as usual, but I really enjoyed it. The music was pumping, I got to do some kickboxing-type moves, and there was a bit of sexy dancing mixed in too. Perfecto!
The rest of the day I spent looking at Michael Phelps pictures (LMAO, I'm a dork phan), browsing the internet, especially twitter (they got hacked today. WTF? Everybody got haters, even twitter).
The other part of my entire day took part in my mind (during my dreams)...
To put everything in a nutshell, I pretty much woke up, got out of bed and then after a few hours, I went back in to sleep.

Back to work tomorrow. I don’t mind (yeah right). It’s a new(ish) job (yes I said "newish". 'Shan's dictionary is in stores, lol), and a new start to hopefully better things to come.

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